Bunny with Piglets for a Smile

Photos To Make You Smile. Actually take an extra long look at the photo.  Ahh. :-) This is a story from BuzzFeed that shows photos of a rabbit and piglets. This should make you smile. It's making me smile right now....
Update on Glen James I have got to update this story. Glen James is the homeless man who found 42k and returned it. A Virginia man named Ethan Withington heard about the good act by James (no doubt positively influenced by James'...
What would you do if you found $42,000 on the street?  That's a tough question especially if you are homeless.  This man named Glen James put a smile on my face. He didn't even have to perform a good...

Stranger Helps Stranded Family

When driving to your vacation spot, you generally want to reach your destination. You have plans and visions. It can get more tense when you chart your progress and stay within your time goals.  But, imagine your car breaking...
Dashrath Manjhi

Desire can move mountains

What can you accomplish is your desire is strong enough?  You can carve a road through a mountain using a hammer, a chisel and nails. You could! Dasrath Manjhi's desire spawned from the fact that his wife was injured and...
People's image of me is unimportant. A 98 year old Bulgarian man has spent most of his days and has spent most of his life begging.  For years. Dobri Dobrev has walked more than 25 miles from his village to...

Powerful Video Shows Giving

A  powerful 3 minute video showing a store owner giving a lasting gift coincided with a thought that I had this morning about the origin of the word Goodology®. It must be a sign to write and share! My Grandfather Francis...
Many of us feel amazement when we think of the love, strength and intelligence of our mothers.  I am fortunate in that respect as well. I grew up with a mother who is most noted for her bright smile and...
A mother duck is concerned for her ducklings. They fell into a sewer drain. A good Samaritan riding by took the right action for saving the baby ducks. This story came from a video in Columbus, OH. The rescuing of...
Fred is a 96 year old man who wrote a song about his wife Lorraine who he lost.  He saw a songwriting contest and decided he would write a song about Lorraine.  Fred had no singing or musical skills but...

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