Stranger Helps Stranded Family


When driving to your vacation spot, you generally want to reach your destination. You have plans and visions. It can get more tense when you chart your progress and stay within your time goals.  But, imagine your car breaking down. Imagine being stranded.  It’s in an unfamiliar place.  Your car konks out in the middle of nowhere.  Worse, it’s  on Labor Day weekend.

Oh wow! That’s exactly what happened to Matt Douglasthe Founder and CEO of Matt and his young family are heading up to a lake in New Hampshire while they took the back way, the scenic route to their destination somewhere in the middle of the state.

All of a sudden, white smoke comes from the car. Their car breaks down and they are totally in a big trouble because it’s not such a populated area. They finally do see a Munro Muffler ship and a couple dealerships.  But the car conked out, just eking into Munro. That’s where the family met George. who turned out to be a modern angel in disguise. George was just waiting for his car to be fixed while Matt found out it would be days for his car to be repaired.

Matt thought he could rent a car but there were no rentals available this weekend. He even considered buying a car to reach his destination up in New Hampshire.  There was no one in this town who could repair his car now – so much for the decision to travel the back roads. Was it a bad decision? Well, no.  George, a total stranger, gave Matt his phone number if Matt decided he needed any help.

Well, Matt did call George. And, George let Matt borrow his car for the weekend!

Cut to Matt’s closing statement in his blog, George’s car is in the driveway and the rain is falling steadily in the darkness. In the next room over, I hear my family playing safe and sound, sheltered from the darkness and the rain.  All because a complete stranger made the choice to help a young family in need. All because someone trusted a random person who desperately needed assistance.”


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