If I had a Sledge Hammer, I would enjoy it!


by Bernie Fallon

If you have been around me, you know that I don’t ‘force’ myself to do things.  I do things that I enjoy.  For example, if something is painful for me, then I don’t do it.  I don’t want to live my life doing things that are a pain in the ass.  Also, if you know me, you know that because of a car accident I have a lot of aches and pains from broken bones, operations and misalignment.  Still, it’s all good.

The things I enjoy expand incredibly the more I practice my Goodology.  I am driven by my energy, excitement and desire to do things.  That trumps all.  Genuinely enjoying life’s activities broadens who you are.  Last summer I had a project of restoring my building from fire damage.  The entire building need to be redone.  It was a massive project, which I stayed on top of throughout.  For example, one day there was a choice.

I decided that I wanted to remove the entire walk-in cooler.  This cooler had been there since 1940. The walls were falling down.  Nothing was level nor square.  The insulation was cork board and it was terribly inefficient.  Gutting is may have been the most unpleasant activity in the project (consider what forty years of MEAT DRIPPINGS and splatter will do).

But, I wanted to do it.  I feel so fortunate to ‘be able’ to do things that when I have an opportunity, I DO IT!  I take advantage.  For example, I prefer walking places when I can (over driving).  Why?  Because I CAN!  I am thankful.  I enjoy walking in Phoenix when the temperature is 110.  I love it.  I embrace as much as I can.

Well, with my walk-in cooler project, a choice had arisen. You see, I also like to get things done right now (today, in this moment).  I could wait until tomorrow for someone to come with a jack hammer to remove the floor.  Or, I could get a sledge hammer and begin today!  By myself.  None of my workers wanted to do it.  They had enough jobs on their own.  So, I began sledge hammering the floor myself. Why?  Because I can.  I am so thankful that I am able to do these things.

Here is a video of my day of sledge hammering (getting tired quickly!).  Nothing a few minutes of rest won’t cure.


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