Inspiring Journey for Underprivileged Kids

Homeless Children See Life Through a New Lens

These kids got outside of themselves and saw the world – through photography. Many homeless and underprivileged children from Children First Academy in Phoenix, Arizona felt an extreme sense of accomplishment.

Professional photographer Karen Shell taught these kids a skill. She shared her love, confidence, compassion and photography skills with these kids. And, you can see the appreciation and thanks on the faces of the children. You can also see something else. Look at how proud the kids are. Look at the confidence and grace they displayed at their exhibit at the Burton Barr Library in Phoenix. Their photographs were displayed as well as their recently published book!!

We need as much of this GOOD as we can deliver to kids in the world. And further, Karen taught the kids to get outside of themselves and see the world. You can see from the video that’s just what happened. A couple of months ago, Karen was interviewed on The Goodology Podcast discussing Kids In Focus.  Here is their Facebook Page where you can contact Karen to support the project (buy the book, volunteer or submit ideas).


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