At Risk Students Make Parents Proud with 98% Graduation Rate


What are the expectations for children growing up in the inner city? Well, in this particular section of Philadelphia the expectation is that only 60% finish high school. But, the students at Girard College have different plans.

They are setting new standards. It’s so impressive that 98% of the kids have graduated. The population of Girard is made up of at risk students. Girard is a tuition free boarding school established in 1848 to serve orphans and at risk children from 1st grade through high school.

They now are going to schools like University of Pennsylvania, Wesleyan and Howard. Brad Aronson reported this story and said, “Of course, I checked the news outlets the next day, and there was no coverage of this event. Instead I was informed of a husband’s prostitution arrest, an armed robbery and a car crash.

Why have we become so consumed with the negative? Why shouldn’t journalists seek out what makes us amazing and regularly make inspiring news a top story? When did 39 students beating the odds become less newsworthy than a car crash or arrest?”

Increase positive in your life. The full story is at


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