Tavo Sastre New Pathways for Youth

Tavo Sastre Inspires At Risk Youth!
Tavo Sastre Inspires At Risk Youth!

Tavo Sastre speaks to at teenagers who are at risk, disadvantaged, abusing alcohol or drugs, have parents in jail and other issues. His program offers the teens a volunteer mentor. The kickoff is a 4 day trip away from their home in Phoenix, AZ to a camp. During this time, major commitments are made and lives have begun to change. Over the course of one year incredible positive impacts are made.

Listen to the beauty of Tavo’s work on The Goodology Podcast. Tavo grew up in Mexico City speaking no English when he arrived in the United States. He provides a great, positive example for the kids that he coaches.

Website: New Pathways for Youth

Facebook: New Pathways for Youth

Twitter: @npfyphx is here.

Tavo’s Likes:

  1. Dancing
  2. Sports
  3. Motivational Movies

Tavo’s Passion:

  1. Inspiring young people


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