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Good Acts and Stories

Four Random Acts of Kindness

    Random Acts of Kindness
How quickly can we get something done in our world? How quickly can the world shift in positive influence? How much good is in the world? This is a good story of a young man with with Down Syndrome who...
Emotions are amazing. What does this make you feel? My first thought was about the courage when the bride sings this! Then I think about the love that she feels. I appreciate the safety of the relationship - that they are...

Stronger Than Fear

"This is a story of strength. Once there was a girl who wanted to go to school. But there were those who did not want her to learn. They were afraid education would give her power. The girl did not...
This is a good story of a homeless man who found the belongings of a Tulsa woman.  He gathered up the property of the woman in the rain and covered them in his shopping cart!  The woman was able...
This is a powerful story of a homeless man who was a sniper in the army. In this interview he said, "They asked me to shoot this lady from the distance. I saw kids near that lady and my...
He broke down in tears and couldn't stop crying. His daughter ("the energetic light of his life") is diagnosed with stage 4 pediatric cancer. After that, NFL player Devon Still's play on the football field decreased because his attention...
Good acts are wanted.  Diana Jo Jarman lost both her parents and sister in a car crash six years ago. As the anniversary of the crash approaches, 14-year-old Diana Jo, who goes by Joie, is asking people to do something: a...
Awesome Simon The Boxer Dog Dave Furukawa is visually impaired. He was walking with his four year old child, Will and his 80 pound guide dog, Simon. A red Chrysler blew through a stop sign at a high rate of...
Kindness to Senior Citizens

Kindness to Senior Citizens

Kindness to Senior Citizens Here's a great example of being neighborly and helpful. I love it. I believe that inside of each person is the ability and desire for kindness. We all know that desire can be taken away (temporarily) when...

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