Ulrike Goes From Hollywood to Metaphysics with Modern Thought Theories

Goodology Podcast Ulrike Maria
Goodology Podcast Ulrike Maria

Ulrike Maria is a writer who, for many years, worked a high profile job in Hollywood. Losing her job turned out to be a great thing for Ulrike because she had sort of a hobby of studying metaphysics. That casual study turned into a full fledged career and a passion for writing. Below are many of the books written by Ulrike.

I have also noticed that each of her books have wonderful covers and artwork! Check them out here.

Forever…And 365 Days – Last year, when Ulrike was just about ready to send the manuscript of her first book “…because you can!” to the publisher, she realized she had so much more to say. She loves the daily discipline of writing, and even though she produced articles for magazines, and quotes, and healing thoughts for my social media on a regular basis, she is always urged to write more by the higher self…. Read More Here.

Because You Can – As she was reviewing the chapters before sending them off to the publisher, she realized that she didn’t write this book for any specific person, nor was she inspired by a certain occurrence. She wrote this book because everything she had studied, learned and applied over the years was pent up in her mind. All of the knowledge and daily practice of these facts have helped her to better myself and my surroundings, my life. It has drastically altered her perception of the Universe. This knowing was stored and categorized in her subconscious and she had to let it out creatively. Read More Here.

The Seeds Will Sprout Somewhere – A New Age has begun with its technology, remarkable inventions, and scientific discoveries. But we are also shifting into a New Age of higher awareness and the rapid unfoldment of individual consciousness. Soul after Soul is waking up to the Truth that life is mental and eternal. This slow but steady process is part of the natural development, sparked by life’s urge for expression, which we are all part of. Sooner or later all searchers will join us in this cosmic dance. Do your part and ‘Sow the Seeds’ to a better life for all. Read More Here.

Inspire Your Day – “Take what is already good in your Soul and love and nurture this goodness.  Take what needs improvement and refine it, step by step. Take what you already are, pure Spirit, and shine.”

Better Living Through Right Thinking Series – This will be a Twelve Booklet Series

Studying in general is interesting. I found it especially interesting that she enjoyed reading metaphysical books written around the year 1900. Ulrike said the focus of much of this material was on the word good. It’s similar to Goodology.

  1. Ernest Homes
  2. Neville Goddard
  3. Dr. Joseph Murphy
  4. U.S. Anderson
  5. Paramhansa Yogananda
  6. James Allen

Visit Ulrike Marie’s website for more! It’s called Modern Thought Theories.

Visit Ulrike Marie on Facebook here.


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