Worst Day Ever

Worst Day Ever

Worst Day Ever This is an uplifting message by a teenager in Brooklyn, NY. Her message has gone viral around the globe. Chanie Gorkin, a junior at the all-girls Lubavitch high school Beth Rivkah in Crown Heights wrote the poem for...
Humble Hero Saves Drowning Man Here is the story of an 80-pound Humble Hero who saved the life of a drowning man at the pool of his apartment building. A 34-year-old man slipped into water that was too deep to...
I Have A Dream Speeches! Today at the school the kids wrote their own Martin Luther King, Jr, "I have a dream" speeches.  The first written speech that  I saw was by a ten year old girl named K.  I...
Kindness to Senior Citizens

Kindness to Senior Citizens

Kindness to Senior Citizens Here's a great example of being neighborly and helpful. I love it. I believe that inside of each person is the ability and desire for kindness. We all know that desire can be taken away (temporarily) when...
Here's an interesting fact. Otters hold hands (paws) while sleeping so that they don't float away from each other. It's a social thing, according to a zoologist, rather than a sign of personal affection. Otters sleep at sea floating on...
Dr Wayne Dyer

Dr Wayne Dyer Has Passed

Dr Wayne Dyer It was with great sadness when I found out today that Dr. Wayne Dyer (May 10, 1940 to August 30, 2015) had passed away. I was also a bit surprised. I went on a cruise (a writing cruise)...
What is the Best Trampoline? Rebounders come in various shapes and sizes (and prices too)! I will be discussing some of the various rebounders in the market. Sit back and enjoy the ride! Bellicon - One of the best rebounders is...
Woman Writes Her Own Obituary Don't be sad that she's gone, smile because she was here. That's the theme. There is history, humor and happiness in this obituary. Dorothy McElhaney - writes her own obituary about her life of 104 years. This...
Autistic Boy is Nice not Naughty! Landon Johnson will be fine in his life. But, he got hung up on something he had been told by adults. They have said, "you don't need to be so naughty," or, "why are you...
Alferd Williams says it's never too late to learn. He began helping a single mother by walking her three children to school. He helped care for the kids in the afternoon also, but could not help them with their...

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