Brian Holloway Stand Up Man

I learned of a story near my hometown at the home of former NFL football player Brian Holloway (New England Patriots and Oakland Raiders). Growing up, we always had a good opinion of Brian because, while to me he...

Homeless Man with Nice Sign

I am a sucker for a homeless person. But one with a nice sign, forget it. Hit the brakes! Weary after my four hour drive from  Las Vegas, I had two minutes left to arrive at my home. You may...
Baby Smiles This is a gift. Great video to watch. The baby has lived her life without that sharp clarity that comes through sight! When she puts on the glasses, something great happens. As the baby smiles, you will smile....
Small Acts of Kindness

Small Acts of Kindness are Big

Small Acts of Kindness are Big! A helping hand doesn't need to be big in size. Small acts of kindness are the helpful attitude that matters the most. There are a few sides to each act of kindness. The Gift of...
Abdul Sattar Edhi Called Father Teresa He was one of the most important public figures in Pakistan. He came to Pakistan totally broke, "My parents never wanted to ask anyone for money." They said, "start something that serves the public - even...
September 11th Kindness

Kindness on September 11th

Kindness on September 11th You don't need something bad to happen to perform a good act. But, September 11th, 2017 is the 16th anniversary of the attacks that changed our world forever. It's a wound in our psyche that is...
Homeless Children - New Lens One hundred percent of the student population is at or below the poverty line. Homeless children are the largest percentage. So, the lens through which these kids see life tends to lean toward sacrifice, hunger, lack...
Helping Others In Need! The World Giving Index evaluated 160 countries ranking them on three factors: Donating money Volunteering time Helping a stranger Where does your country rank? Can we improve our ranking? Helping Others In Need is GOOD For You! Improving and goodness, it turns... If you have a few minutes, listen to Jim Carrey's popular speech at a university in Iowa. At Maharishi University School of Management Carrey is funny, deep and even makes a joke about Monsanto. "Fear is going to be a...
Positive Influence - Be like Malcolm. Here's a story of positive influence that will make you smile. I didn't know what to expect when I watched it, but I am impressed by this young man named Malcolm Mitchell. It began...

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