What are the expectations for children growing up in the inner city? Well, in this particular section of Philadelphia the expectation is that only 60% finish high school. But, the students at Girard College have different plans. They are setting...
A fire takes out an entire restaurant. The restaurant is then closed for six months for reconstruction. The business employs 40 people. What are the employees going to do for work, income, food and family? Bruce Kroll, the owner of...
The World Happiness Report for 2013 is out. Who do you think are the happiest people? What country is NUMBER ONE on the top ten happiest chart? The countries of Northern Europe rank high. Why do you think countries...

Stranger Helps Stranded Family

When driving to your vacation spot, you generally want to reach your destination. You have plans and visions. It can get more tense when you chart your progress and stay within your time goals.  But, imagine your car breaking...
Awesome Simon The Boxer Dog Dave Furukawa is visually impaired. He was walking with his four year old child, Will and his 80 pound guide dog, Simon. A red Chrysler blew through a stop sign at a high rate of...
A four course dinner for a wedding reception sounds like a great time. What do you do when the wedding gets called off? Carol and Willie Fowler knew exactly what to do! They ended up feeding 200 homeless people in...

Couple Married Sixty Years

Look At My Beautiful Wife! A Wonderful Couple married sixty years hug in the photo to the right. The photo became a popular and became a very highly commented on photo on Reddit. Their grandchild put the picture on the popular...
"He was the nicest man I'd ever met," Helen Gilberd said.  The secret of the longevity of their marriage was "love and kindness to one another," Mrs Gilberd said. More of their Love Story here.
I love this!  Watch the boy the moment he realizes that the other boy is upset.  He makes a direct confident move toward the other kid. Moments It's a wonderful moment for sure!  In my upcoming contest, I talk about moments....

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