Think about what goes through a young person's mind. Think about the challenges of 'how to' accomplish. Now, think about what Ben Jackson has had to overcome. He has spastic cerebral palsy, which is a disorder that results in...
Ty Allan Jackson's son asked to start a lemonade stand. Like any good dad, Ty said, "sure!" To Ty's surprise,  his son to make FIFTY DOLLARS! With that kind of money, Ty wanted to teach his son about saving money...
Baby Smiles This is a gift. Great video to watch. The baby has lived her life without that sharp clarity that comes through sight! When she puts on the glasses, something great happens. As the baby smiles, you will smile....
These kids got outside of themselves and saw the world - through photography. Many homeless and underprivileged children from Children First Academy in Phoenix, Arizona felt an extreme sense of accomplishment. Professional photographer Karen Shell taught these kids a skill....
by Bernie Fallon Love is like a butterfly.  It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. I often talk about your internal energy flow as the greatest currency. When your energy is flowing freely like the currency of...
I love this!  Watch the boy the moment he realizes that the other boy is upset.  He makes a direct confident move toward the other kid. Moments It's a wonderful moment for sure!  In my upcoming contest, I talk about moments....
Positive stories and people helping others are spreading ripples of kindness throughout the world! Lisa Currie founded Ripple Kindness Project in Australia several years ago. With Ripple Kindness you can share your stories of kindness, read stories of kindness and get...
This is such a good video. It's a sweet story of a young boy that overcomes a speech impediment and bullying. It had reached a point where he wanted to leave school. His attendance was at just 34%. Through the creativity and...
Students Produce Poem from "The Golden Rule" A third grade team of students at Muddy Brook Elementary School in Great Barrington, MA are working on a thoughtful project that relates to kindness and the Golden Rule. It is "to develop a...
"You never know when one kind act or word of encouragement will change a life forever." -Zig Ziglar The teachers are Children First Academy put their heart into their job as much as anyone in the world. And they are putting...

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