Retirement for some people may be boring. It's especially hard when you lose your soul mate two years after retirement. What to do? At 65 years old, "Grandpa" tried golf, but failed to see the fascination. He puttered around...
Dashrath Manjhi

Desire can move mountains

What can you accomplish is your desire is strong enough?  You can carve a road through a mountain using a hammer, a chisel and nails. You could! Dasrath Manjhi's desire spawned from the fact that his wife was injured and...
Overcoming Obstacles: I like to share stories of people overcoming obstacles. This story has at least two to note. Thomas Graham is a blind man from Tyler, Texas who didn't let his lack of sight prevent him from building a...
Last week, a friend of mine and I were commenting on the wide range of talents that Robin Williams had. We all know he was funny when we met him on the TV show Mork and Mindy. He then...
I love this!  Watch the boy the moment he realizes that the other boy is upset.  He makes a direct confident move toward the other kid. Moments It's a wonderful moment for sure!  In my upcoming contest, I talk about moments....
BY BARBARA ROUTEN Published: August 14, 2013 On Aug. 4, in the middle of Staples at Regency Square, Rodney Burton heard God speak to him. “He said, ‘There’s someone here you need to do something for,’” said Burton. “I felt like He...

Homeless Man with Nice Sign

I am a sucker for a homeless person. But one with a nice sign, forget it. Hit the brakes! Weary after my four hour drive from  Las Vegas, I had two minutes left to arrive at my home. You may...

Thank you John and Millie

"I didn't have a cellphone to call for assistance, and I had no idea how to change a flat tire" comes from a nice story that appeared here in the Winnipeg Free Press. "The only other people I saw were an...
Roy Hibbert is a center in the National Basketball Association. He's tall - 7'2". Under most circumstances you'd probably see him in the crowd! But, in this case he was in his car witnessing an act of kindness by...
When I was young, I used to sit on the warm radiator looking out the window at the snow plows going by. Or, my brother and I would go to another window watching a snowmobile drive through the yard...

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