Patriot's Fan Happy with an Act of Kindness Joey Jacobsen was 10 years old when the woodcutting accident happened. He's come a long way since and is happy with an act of kindness from Patriot strong safety Patrick Chung. Here...
Autistic Boy is Nice not Naughty! Landon Johnson will be fine in his life. But, he got hung up on something he had been told by adults. They have said, "you don't need to be so naughty," or, "why are you...
Wish Laddie a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Laddie will be 77 years old. He lives alone. His birthday is March 25th. I would like to inspire you to send a card to Laddie. Read this whole thing. Grab a card, address it...
September 11th Kindness

Kindness on September 11th

Kindness on September 11th You don't need something bad to happen to perform a good act. But, September 11th, 2017 is the 16th anniversary of the attacks that changed our world forever. It's a wound in our psyche that is...
Kindness to Senior Citizens

Kindness to Senior Citizens

Kindness to Senior Citizens Here's a great example of being neighborly and helpful. I love it. I believe that inside of each person is the ability and desire for kindness. We all know that desire can be taken away (temporarily) when...
Battle Against Bullying for Autistic Boy in South Carolina Here is an idea from parents of an autistic boy who has been bullied while in school. Ayden says he has no friends in school and that kids don't speak to...
A Boy's Act of Kindness in Florida Act of Kindness - A Florida mom is searching for a young boy that performed an act of kindness with her special needs son, Kaden. She and her sister brought Kaden to the science...
Inspirational Young 5 Year Old With a robotic right hand, 5 year-old Hailey Dawson inspired many by throwing out the first pitch at the Baltimore Orioles game. She was born with Poland Syndrome which left her without the fingers on her...
A Small Act of Kindness This is my kind of story - of someone being observant, taking advantage of the moment and performing a small act of kindness. Brooke Ochoa of Texas went out for lunch. While entering the diner,...
Organization Feeds 200 Needy Children Per Day In Grays Harbor County, Washington there is a grandmother named Phyllis and her team of volunteers living with their eyes wide open. They are making sure that needy children in the county don't...

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