GP 002: Author Winslow Eliot Inspired Goodology for Take Off!

Author and Writing Coach Winslow Eliot
Author and Writing Coach Winslow Eliot

I had been working with Goodology since the early 1990’s. My mind rarely left the subject, studying, reading and as Winslow says in our discussion, channeling. She started out as my screenwriting coach and ended up much more. Listen here!

You can find Winslow’s books here:

Winslow Eliot’s websites:

  • Winslow’s main website is here.
  • WriteSpa – An Oasis For Writers is here.


  • Writing
  • Show the way for other people to realize they can live their live by following their passion


  1. Writing
  2. Show the way for other people to realize that they can live their lives by following their passion and doing what they love to do.

Challenge to Overcome:

  1. Depression – She said it’s worse than sadness. Everything is gray. Her Daily Happiness is here.

Greatest Influence:

  1. Her husband Tom.

How to Make the World a Better Place:

She cares about literacy and writing. Her passion is to build confidence and the inspiration in younger people (and adults alike) to write!


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