After Unthinkable Loss John Moritz is Helping Orphans

John and Libby Moritz

He is a great man – a humble, kind, gentle and sincere man. Three of his children died in a car accident on a snowy winter day. On this podcast episode, John Moritz tells how he and his wife Libby handle their loss. John speaks honestly that is still does hurt. but, two factors have helped him. One is faith. The other is working with orphans around the world.

It’s unimaginable for parents to lose any children, never mind all three of their children in a car accident. How would they cope? How do you handle that? If John and Libby found a way to handle that tragedy, then it would be worth listening. Anyone going through a difficult time in life can benefit.

You can also help John, Libby and their organization that helps orphan children. John discusses his organization, Hearts of the Father Outreach and tells stories of helping orphans around the world. The juice of life for John is helping children – seeing children smile. This is John’s genuine passion.

The details:

  1. Website – Hearts of the Father helping orphans and abandoned children.
  2. You can donate, sponsor a child or support a project here.
  3. Golf Tournament at Wyantenuck Country Club in Great Barrington, MA


  • Email –
  • Phone – (413) 229-2922
  • Contact through website here

People Magazine:

  • There is a story that appeared in People Magazine here.

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