Tavo Sastre speaks to at teenagers who are at risk, disadvantaged, abusing alcohol or drugs, have parents in jail and other issues. His program offers the teens a volunteer mentor. The kickoff is a 4 day trip away from...
Ulrike Maria is a writer who, for many years, worked a high profile job in Hollywood. Losing her job turned out to be a great thing for Ulrike because she had sort of a hobby of studying metaphysics. That casual...
Philippa Ross is an enthusiologist with a book coming out called Life's a Load of Balls - How to Master the Game of Life and Handle Yours. While fun and entertaining, Philippa's whole system and discussion is very intelligent and well...
Carol CC Miller is living a positive life. She recently was part of a book by Will Bowen that details 50 of the happiest people sharing Happy Stories. Listen here. Global Free Hugs Carol CC Miller's Website Positive Focus on Facebook All Things...
I had been working with Goodology since the early 1990's. My mind rarely left the subject, studying, reading and as Winslow says in our discussion, channeling. She started out as my screenwriting coach and ended up much more. Listen...
Joyology begins with Pat Armitstead. Becoming the world's first JOYOLOGIST didn't happen without struggles, trials, tribulation and PAIN. Pat lost her child, lost her business, is a cancer survivor, avoided bankruptcy by re-paying $80,000 in two years and lost...
Deaubrey Devine was homeless as a teenager. His family’s house was foreclosed on - to the streets, to hotels, to friends couches. The family didn't know where shelter and food was coming from. Deaubrey was angry, upset, blaming and...
Robert Farrell asks the question, "Why Don't I Just Get Started?" That is the title of his blog. And, that is the title of his radio show. He's a fun, engaging person who has a lot to offer. This is...

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